Mexico City, Mexico
Edgar Velasco
330 m2
Change to reinhabit. Most people resist change even though in reality we live in constant transformations. The CVPP House is a remodeling project for a disused house located on a narrow and elongated piece of land to the west of Mexico City. The pre-existence had two levels and was closed to its context despite having a wonderful wooded area in front of it.
The starting point of the project was to organize the architectural program and highlight the environment as much as possible, so we decided to explore the contrast between mass and vacuum. We used part of what existed as a base and remade some spaces to create a solid volume that is distinguished by its heaviness. The use of granite stone in the façade reinforces its consistency, while at the same time hiding its temporality.
On the other hand, voids, although by definition they are opposed to mass, as complementary elements achieve an equilibrium in which they could not exist without the other. The lightness they generate creates a dynamic path that is imbued with natural light and is accompanied by the vegetation of the place to achieve a new way of inhabiting this house.
Level 1 floor
Ground floor
L1 section
L2 section
T1 section
Isometric analysis
Isometric synthesis